To assist with the processing of Architectural Change requests, the Stonewall Architectural Review Committee (ARC) offers the following guidelines for an architectural change or alteration:
Any architectural change or alteration request must be submitted with an Application For Architectural Change form . All necessary drawings, sketches, etc. are to be enclosed with the form.
This process is used for all exterior home changes of any kind. For example, fencing of any type, any exterior structure to remain on the property such as a shed, trailer, storage building, pool, hottub, etc., changes to the exterior like paint color, addition of shutters or other decorative enhancements, additional windows to the home and solar panels. If you are not sure if an Architectural Change request is required, please just ask any member of the board.
All information should be sent to:
All submittals must be received prior to starting any improvements. Failure to receive prior written approval for a change will result in the homeowner being fined up to $75 per day until the proper paperwork is received and approved.
Fences: Wood type permitted is arched type with finishes being natural stain or cedar type. Stockade or metal privacy fences are not permitted, except for wrought iron black. Maximum height of a fence is 6'. Picket fences should have as much width between the picket as the width of the picket. Fences must be built on site and not utilize prefabricated panels. A picture or brochure of the proposed fence must be provided, along with a plat of the lot indicating the proposed fence location.
Decks: Enclose with the architectural change form, scale drawings of deck. Copy of your house location survey showing location of deck. No pressure treated lumber is allowed on the front of houses unless painted to match trim.
Storage Sheds: Metal sheds are not permitted. Materials acceptable are wood, Hardiplank, or smart siding. No vinyl siding allowed. Asphalt shingle or shake roof and should match the home in color and siding material. Enclose with the architectural change form, drawings to scale, list of exterior colors/finishes (colors, siding and shingles must match your home) and a house plot plan indicating the proposed location of the shed. If bottom is mounted on frame, then it must be enclosed with lattice. Storage sheds should not be placed in an area that would interfere with neighboring homes.
Architectural Change forms must be signed buy all neighbors whose property touches the property that the change is being requested for.
The Architectural Review Committee uses these guidelines and requirements outlined in the HOA Covenants to make their decisions.
The Architectural Review Committee will respond with a decision within 30 days after receipt of a fully completed
request package (Application for Architectural Change and all required and requested supporting documentation)
If you have any questions please let us know.